Sustainability and Resilience Thrust Facilities

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Students engaging in the SML lab Students engaging in the SML lab
The facilities associated with the Sustainability and Resilience Research Thrust provide a unique opportunity for the conduct of meaningful R&D and the education of undergraduate and graduate students. Collectively, they offer resources reflecting the College of Engineering mission to improve educational and research programs, continually incorporating advances in engineering technology.

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  • The Advanced Cement Chemistry, Engineering, Sustainability and Science Lab (ACCESS Lab)

    The Advanced Cement Chemistry, Engineering, Sustainability and Science Lab (ACCESS Lab), is headed by Prof. Prannoy Suraneni, with the objective of making concrete infrastructure sustainable, durable, and resilient by working at the intersection of engineering, chemistry, and material science.

    ACCESS Lab

  • Center for Advanced Supply Chain Management (CASCM)

    Established in 2003, University of Miami Center for Advanced Supply Chain Management (CASCM) is housed in the College of Engineering with contributions from Department of Industrial Engineering, School of Business, School of Law, the Inter-American Sponsor Program, and its corporate members. Under the directorship of Dr. Murat Erkoc, the Center works in collaboration with industry partners to bring together academicians, professionals, and students for building global supply chain solutions, experience, knowledge management, value chain improvement, research, professional advancement, human resources, and business acumen. The Center’s mission is to advance knowledge and practice in the area of supply chain management, educate students on supply chain management by practice and theory, provide training for professionals and practitioners, and support its industry members to tackle real-life problems in value chain operations.

  • Structures and Materials Laboratory (SML)

    SML is one of few university laboratories in the United States achieving ISO 17025 accreditation (General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories), which is the single most important standard for testing laboratories around the world.  SML is dedicated to applied and fundamental research, focusing on innovative and resilient material and structural solutions applied to the built environment: from concrete to composites.

    Students involved in SML are exposed to the continuous improvement mentality, educated through hands-on training such as: preparing specimens, conducting testing and using an array of instruments and data collection techniques, implementing rigorous quality control strategies, and performing analytical processes.

    Students participating in laboratory projects will be able to work hand-in-hand with a diverse group of students, faculty and staff that make up the SML team, while connecting with the multitude of national and international industry partners, preparing them towards their future professional career paths.

  • Sustainability Resiliency Adaptation Laboratory (SuReal)

    SuReal / Sustainability Resiliency Adaptation Laboratory team led by Dr. Esber Andiroglu strives to create innovative Next-Gen concepts and designs on an individual and community scale, that help at-risk populations combat stressors due to Climate Change.

    The teams mission is to demonstrate community resilience through Fundamental and Applied Research, Innovative Design approaches and Public Education.

    Sureal Lab Flyer
